Krista Mellinghoff,
born in Wiesbaden, lives and works in Munich, Germany. She paints abstract with Mixed Media, using Acrylic and Pastell or Oil and Collage, which she combines in a composition.
Krista Mellinghoff,
born in Wiesbaden, lives and works in Munich, Germany. She paints abstract with Mixed Media, using Acrylic and Pastell or Oil and Collage, which she combines in a composition.
Prof. Dr. Gassner, Director of the Kunsthalle Hamburg
commenting the work of Krista Mellinghoff:
Krista Mellinghoff has managed to create a wonderful balance between loud and very soft colours, between the subtleties of forms, drawings and surface. In all her pictures one can sense the tension, which nonetheless always turns into harmony. There are those larger paintings, very colorful but kept in tune, and there are the smaller works that still express an enormous intensity. What surprises is the painterly energy, which, however, always finds its way to form and composition.
On the one hand there is the energy, the dissolving of boundaries, the abandoning of conventions or rational restraints, on the other hand the distinct impetus to bring the intuitive flow of colors into harmony, which lead to subtle drawings or colorful pictures incorporating these aspects but maintaining also the spontaneous and impulsive creativity.
Krista Mellinghoff has created her own, individual pictorial language, which obviously follows the pattern of abstraction, yet one cannot discern an obvious model. Her paintings are always individual, even if her styles or phases differ. Her paintings captivate the spectator, they are decorative in the truest sense of the word. Krista Mellinghoffs work is intense, it touches a string and arouses resonance. Art is emotional and we want to be touched by it.